
Linalool: a fragrance, floral odor,  88% of essential oils, aromatherapy, and botanical usage, test to the linalool hydroperoxides. 

Limonene: citrus odor, essential oils, test to limonene hydroperoxides.

Alkyl glucosides: Allergen of the Year in 2017, surfactant, decyl glucoside, and lauryl glucoside.

Isobornyl acrylate: Allergen of the Year in 2020, glucose monitoring devices

Acetophenone azine: Allergen of the Year in 2021,  shin pads and footwear, sneakers, flip flops, ski boots, insoles, foam, elastomer ethyl vinyl acetate.

Aluminum: Allergen of the Year in 2022, tattoos, vaccines, foods, some personal care products. Axillary dermatitis from deodorants, test to 10% aluminum chloride hexahydrate in petrolatum.


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